The Friends of W&M Rowing Endowment made additional progress during the third quarter of 2019, increasing from ~$45,000 at the end of June 2019 to ~$46,000 at the end of September 2019. Donors contributed nearly $300 in new Endowment donations this quarter, which combined with ~$700 of investment gains to add 2.2% to the Endowment this quarter. For the YTD period ending the date of this post (10/13/19), the Endowment has returned 17.6%, partially as a result of recovering some of the losses that occurred at the end of 2018.
Ultimately, we expect the Friends of W&M Rowing Endowment will be able to distribute 5% annually to support W&M Club Rowing. Based on our current balance of ~$46,000, the Endowment would distribute ~$2,300 per year. That could buy us almost four new cox boxes annually! If you would like to contribute to the Endowment, donate online today!