
2013 WMRC Endowment Fund Charity Golf Tournament

Registration NOW OPEN for the First Inaugural WMRC Endowment Fund Charity Golf Tournament!!

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FWR is proud to announce the William and Mary Rowing Club Endowment Fund Charity Golf Tournament! Hosted on Saturday, September 21st 2013, during William and Mary’s Family Weekend, this event is open to parents, rowers, friends, and golf enthusiasts alike. All proceeds will benefit the WMRC Endowment Fund.

Registration costs start at $135 for a single player, no mulligans, with options to register an entire foursome and/or to purchase mulligans. We are also looking for any individual, group or business for sponsorships, if interested please contact Mark Miller at president@williamsburgrowing.org.

For more information visit the website page at fwrgolf.com

FWR Golf Tournament Flyer