
2013 July WMRC Rower Spotlight

Logan Ferrell ’15 – WMRC President

36535_4746370310991_1474718193_nHometown: Richmond, VA.

Majors: Government and Russian/Post-Soviet Studies

What Rowing Means to Me: When I first came to college, I had never really tried anything athletic; I fully expected to spend 4 years caring about nothing but academics. Finding the team changed all that for me. I quickly found rowing to be a great way to maintain discipline outside the classroom, while also providing a day-to-day outlet. More importantly than that, I found that rowing instantly gave me a team family to fall back on. The bond between rowers is something I haven’t been able to find anywhere else at WM. While our college experience is rarely deemed “normal”, I wouldn’t trade anything for the feeling of crossing the line alongside guys who fought to the end with me.

Fun Fact: My main goal in rowing outside of racing is to acquire as many neon-colored clothing items as possible.