FTR was founded in 1993 by parents of WMRC rowers as a booster organization. While we have since grown, WMRC still relies heavily on the support of parents. Parents are able to get involved by hosting rowers for away regattas, providing food & drinks on race day, or (for parents who don’t live nearby) contribute funds for the races.
Family support during the race season is a highlight of the trips! College students always appreciate a homecooked meal and a comfortable place to stay when away from campus. To volunteer time to help host and feed the team, please contact the team’s outreach coordinator or donate to the parent fund below. Additionally, consider financially supporting the team through one of our many donation methods.
Additionally, FTR now proudly maintains exclusive and current content about WMRC. By subscribing or donating to FTR, parents will be given a password to access these more comprehensive updates. A great way to follow your favorite rower!
Thank you for your support.
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